
Having cancer is tough, but dating doesn’t have to be …

November 6, 2018
Stacy Willingham
CURE, Fall Issue, Volume 1, Issue 1

“The interesting thing about cancer is that here you are, just trying to survive, and life around you goes on,” Brashier says. “People go about their business, and you’re over on the sidelines, just watching. Eventually, you really have that desire to jump back into that mainstream.”

Find Lasting Relationships Today!

It does not mean that you need to give up on the perks of everyday life, just because you have cancer. The fact is actually that nobody should give up on dating. Remember how energized you felt every time you had a crush? Do you not think that it would actually help your condition? It definitely would, and you may not be that far away from that physical and mental sensation. It is better than any chemo.

Live Your Life to Its Fullest When You Join Cancer Survivor Dating Now!

This journey hasn’t been easy but you have made it through and are stronger for it now. You’ve put aside dating because it was the last thing on your mind but now that you are healthy and feeling a bit more human, you want to meet someone new! With Cancer Survivor Dating, you’ll enter a world of beautiful, strong, healthy individuals who have had cancer and want to meet others like them.

CancerMatch is a powerful cancer survivor networking and dating site. Meet people diagnosed with cancer from all over the world.

Online help for cancer patients exists in many forums: medical guides, resource lists, community forums and — in keeping with a wider trend — dating.