I'm Not Dead Yet

Welcome to CathyChemo.org! This blog is to make room for online information and stories that bring out the funny side of cancer. Yes, there is very much a funny side of cancer … you can read my inaugural blog here.

How long Does Sympathy Last?

With most solid tumor-related cancers, there is induction which involves radiation and or chemo, along with surgery. Then we wait and see on scans, then if it hasn’t spread, you are home free. The only maintenance some cancers have is additional scans or meds like tamoxifen etc. for a few years. With multiple myeloma, there is an induction, a consolidation, and a maintenance. Followed by more maintenance, and more maintenance. You are on something until you are not. Once it stops working, and God forbid the cancer has mutated and become high risk, onward we go to the next treatment. Let’s

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No One Needs More Than One

Can you believe that God actually gives people more than one type of cancer? A second cancer can be the late effect of your primary cancer or a separate one totally. Statistics say that one in every six people diagnosed with cancer has had a previous type of cancer. Does anyone else think this is frightening?

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