I'm Not Dead Yet

Welcome to CathyChemo.org! This blog is to make room for online information and stories that bring out the funny side of cancer. Yes, there is very much a funny side of cancer … you can read my inaugural blog here.

Depression and Cancer

Depression and Cancer: Here are the facts. At least one in every four cancer patients have depression. Honestly, I would think it is more like 50%. Cancer carries an enormous amount of emotional weight. We are constantly busy trying to compartmentalize numerous issues. I bet if you polled all cancer patients most of them would tell you that they are depressed at some point but may not seek therapy. The only positive thing about having cancer and depression is that most people won’t tell you to just get over anything since you have cancer!

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The Cancer Card

When you get cancer, it takes some time for you to come to grips with what it means to not only yourself but to others. Am I going to be pitied? Are people going to stay away from me thinking they might catch cancer? Will I be able to communicate necessary information without feeling vulnerable? What will I tell my family? What does this mean for my future? How can I function daily with this juberous albatross around my neck? Is there anything good going to come of this bitter disease?

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