I'm Not Dead Yet

Welcome to CathyChemo.org! This blog is to make room for online information and stories that bring out the funny side of cancer. Yes, there is very much a funny side of cancer … you can read my inaugural blog here.

WAZE for Cancer

So, when perusing our treatments for cancer, I cannot help but wonder what it would be like to have a roadmap so that we could understand the upcoming pitfalls of treatments, side effects of the meds, and all of the time we have waiting for treatment. So, thinking, wouldn’t it be nice to have an APP like WAZE, but for negotiating Cancer?

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Stick Em Up!

So, what do cancer and chemo rob you of? There are so many things that we take for granted each day until we lose them. Personally, there are so many things that you can lose. You may have the feeling of being physically and emotionally robbed by cancer.

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Cancer is a Prison

There are many types of prisons. Trapped in a physical building is just one example. You can be imprisoned in a travel experience that won’t end. You can be incarcerated in your own mind, being in a rhetorical prison. When I am in treatment centers, I always ask people sitting near me, “what are you in for?’ They always get where I am coming from. We don’t have to discuss anything else, just that we understand the position we are all in.

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