Picture of Cathy Chemo

Cathy Chemo

WAZE for Cancer

So, when perusing our treatments for cancer, I cannot help but wonder what it would be like to have a roadmap so that we could understand the upcoming pitfalls of treatments, side effects of the meds, and all of the time we have waiting for treatment. So, thinking, wouldn’t it be nice to have an APP like WAZE, but for negotiating Cancer?

I love the WAZE app. It has saved me so much time and frustration by taking me onto alternate routes to avoid accidents, traffic jams, and construction. For those unfamiliar with this fabulous app, it competes with Google Maps for directions while driving. I say there is no comparison. It detects so many more things and has multiple categories of notifications. They finally just updated their brand with thirty new moods with emojis, so travelers can tell everyone how they are feeling while they drive. I think they should utilize different voices, not really accents that you can already change. Mine is always on the Australian accent. Everything sounds better with a Scottish or Aussie accent! So, what if we had WAZE for cancer? What benefit would it be? I can picture myself putting in my destination of Remission! Not sure what the ETA would be? Let us dive into this idea.

WAZE gives you a lot of information. You simply plug in your destination. I think most of us would want to be going to Cureville! Let us examine what the app has to offer and compare it to what we need on the cancer roadmap:

ETACure or Remission — Can we actually get an exact date and time?
Police Reported AheadThe oncologist wants you to slow down. Take some time off. Be a patient
Hazard Reported AheadSide effects from treatments: chemo brain, nausea, pain, dizziness, weakness, exhaustion, DVTs, and any other 50 side effects from the meds.
Miles Per HourDepends on if you are taking Dex!
Traffic Reported AheadCrowded waiting and treatment rooms.
Tolls/HOVThe cost of chemo and healthcare in general. Huge toll!
Audio playThe voice inside your head that won’t leave you alone. Listening to everyone that has an opinion about how you look, and how you are doing. Sometimes you just want to turn it off!
Customize your routePrecision Medicine/Immunotherapy/Chemo
PharmaciesSpecialty pharmacies that ask ridiculous questions when you are ordering your chemo.
HospitalsWe don’t need the blue signs or this notice. We know where they are!
HotelsMay need to stay in a hotel for treatments or testing.
CoffeeI always need to know where coffee is. You have those days of horrible constipation not to mention exhaustion!
Roadside HelpThese are your brave caregivers.
RestaurantsPerhaps Dunkin Donuts if you are craving sugar from the Dex. Otherwise, where can I get takeout since I’m too exhausted to cook?
Gasoline StationsWhere can we refill our bodies with energy? Maybe a juice bar?
CarpoolCancer Support Groups
ClosuresWhen a med stops working and you have to move onto another.
Waze ChatFacebook pages, or other support groups.
30 Mood Emojis30 moods depending on steroids, depression, sadness, sense of losing yourself to the disease, exhaustion, pain, etc. We probably need at least another twenty mood emojis. There definitely should be one that shows, “why me?!”

So, what are your thoughts about a WAZE for cancer? If there was such a thing, would you utilize it? It would really be nice to have a roadmap. As, a coach for Healthtree Foundation for newly diagnosed patients with multiple myeloma, I do serve as their beginner’s roadmap. I try awfully hard to put myself in their shoes and look at the disease from their perspective. I offer consistent suggestions and knowledge about the disease and treatments they might be going through. Everyone needs assistance at least in the beginning. I have found this extremely rewarding and an honor to be able to participate with these patients going through the marathon they never wanted to run.

That is all I have on this topic folks. Until next time, find something funny to share with those you love.


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2 Responses

  1. YES! Love this idea and would use it 100%. I also prefer WAZE over Google Maps. Much better information. As a somewhat newly diagnosed patient (early 2022) and undergoing my first cycle of chemo reatment, I desperately need an App like this. I have many questions that often I don’t even know I have until something new pops up (and isn’t that all the time with this disease!) and then need to find answers so that I can better understand which direction to go – both physically and emotionally. It takes a huge toll and makes a difference in my day-to-day living while I try to find the answers. Realizing that I am new and that the doctors may think they’ve explained it all to me – but in their language. So, not just talking about accents here but actually needing a category for the specific language and terminology would be helpful. But I am also blessed with a super wonderful MM coach who is so responsive and willing to help me navigate every step of the way. You know who you are!